

Atomic Doctors: Conscience and Complicity at the Dawn of the Nuclear Age

著者名:Nolan, James L. jr.
出版社:Belknap Press: An Imprint of Harvard University Press


Nolan, James L. jr.. Atomic Doctors: Conscience and Complicity at the Dawn of the Nuclear Age . , . Pp. 304


Medical Sciences




This book describes the early stages of nuclear development. American medical doctors who gave atomic bomb victims medical attention faced ethical dilemmas between their conscience and a guilty conscience as medical doctors. The author, James L. Nolan Jr., gives a full account of his grandfather’s duty as an obstetrician-gynecologist and radiologist. He wrote this book based on an archive left by his grandfather, James F. Nolan MD. Dr. Nolan contributed to the Manhattan District Survey Team. He formulated the evacuation plan for the first atomic bomb test, Trinity, and “Little Boy” from Los Alamos to the Pacific Islands. Furthermore, he was one of the Americans who entered Hiroshima and Nagasaki, cities of ruins exposed with radiation, in September, 1945. While Dr. Nolan and his team members’ mission was to save the victims from death, they had to ignore the victims despite their condition which was highly lethal.