Book Details


The Effects of Nuclear Weapons 1977

Original Title:The Effects of Nuclear Weapons
Place:Washington, D.C.
Publisher:United States, Dept. of Defense and Dept. of Energy


Ed. Samuel Glasstone, Philip J. Doian. The Effects of Nuclear Weapons 1977 . Washington, D.C., United States, Dept. of Defense and Dept. of Energy, 1977.


Medical Sciences, Physical Sciences and Engineering




This is a complete book on the effects of the A-bombs published by the U.S. government, a revision of The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, 1957. In the first edition, which was published in 1950, the explosive energy of the atomic bombings was reported to have been equivalent to some thousands of tons (i.e., ki1otons) of TNT. The 1977 edition reports that the explosive energy yields up to the equivalent of 20 megatons of TNT, a description which many books have referred to. The chapter on civil defense was removed entirely from the 1977 edition. 米国政府によって出版された広島と長崎に投下した原爆の効果に関する包括的報告書。1950年の初版発行から3度目の改訂である。初版では、広島と長崎の投下された原爆の威力はTNT火薬の数千キロトンに相当するとされていたが、1977年改訂版では20メガトンと修正された。以後、多くの原爆文献でこの数字が引用されている。

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