Book Details


On the Wings of Peace: Writers and Illustrators Speak Out for Peace, in Memory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Author:Hamanaka, Sheila
Place:New York
Publisher:Clarion Books


Hamanaka, Sheila. On the Wings of Peace: Writers and Illustrators Speak Out for Peace, in Memory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki . New York, Clarion Books, 1995.


Juvenile Literature




Hamanaka, Sheila, et al./ On the Wings of Peace: Writers and Illustrators Speak Out for Peace, in Memory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ New York/ Clarion Books, 1995. This is a picture book for children created by sixty writers and artists including Japanese writers and illustrators. A partial list of contributors is as follows: Illustration by Iri and Toshi Maruki; “Thoughts from a Nuclear Physicist” by Michio Kaku; “Sky” written and illustrated by Junko Morimoto; “School Caps” by Kyoko Mori, and others. Also, this book contains instructions about how to fold a paper crane and a bibliography of resource materials, many of which are available through the Peace Resource Center, The Hiroshima/Nagasaki Memorial Collection and The Pyle Center, Wilmington College. 60人の作者と画家による平和をテーマにした絵本。丸木俊。位里夫妻の絵、物理学者ミチオ・カク教授による随筆、森本順子の絵と文、被爆死した児童の残した学帽にまつわる話など日本人も多数参加している。巻末に千羽鶴の折り方、ウイルミントン大学平和資料センターで利用できる文献リストがある。