Book Details


The Third International Conference of Peace Museums: presentation papers: Exhibiting Peace: The Contribution of Museums to World Peace, 6-10 November 1998, Osaka & Kyoto, Japan, 11-113 November 1998, Hiroshima Nagasaki Okinawa, Japan

Author:International Conference of Peace Museums, The Commemorative Association for the Japan World Exposition (1970)
Publisher:The Third International Conference of Peace Museum


International Conference of Peace Museums, The Commemorative Association for the Japan World Exposition (1970). The Third International Conference of Peace Museums: presentation papers: Exhibiting Peace: The Contribution of Museums to World Peace, 6-10 November 1998, Osaka & Kyoto, Japan, 11-113 November 1998, Hiroshima Nagasaki Okinawa, Japan . Osaka, The Third International Conference of Peace Museum, 1998.


History and Social Sciences




This is a collection of 53 papers presented to the Conference of Peace Museums. It includes “Exhibiting the Reality of Nuclear Wars - Report from Hiroshima: Experiences with the Exhibits in the Peace Memorial Museum” by Hiroshima Peace Museum Director Minoru Hataguchi, “The Role of the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum” by Nagasaki Peace Museum Director Masaru Koizumi, and “For the Culture of Peace: Experience of Display House of the 5th Lucky Dragon” by Hideo Fujita. 第3回平和博物館国際会議で提出された53編の論文を載せている。畑口実広島平和記念館館長の「核戦争の真実の展示―広島からの報告―平和記念館での展示」、小泉勝長崎原爆資料館館長の「長崎原爆資料館の役割」、藤田秀雄第五福竜丸平和協会理事の「平和文化のために一第五福竜丸の展示」も収録されている。