Book Details


Critical Mass: Voices for a Nuclear-Free Future

Place:Westfield, NJ
Publisher:Open Media and the Campaign for Peace and Democracy


Ed. Greg, Ruggiero, Sahulka Stuart. Critical Mass: Voices for a Nuclear-Free Future . Westfield, NJ, Open Media and the Campaign for Peace and Democracy, 1996.


History and Social Sciences




This book is a collection of articles and papers which are critical of the proliferation of nuclear arms. It includes a statement by the then Mayor of Hiroshima Takashi Hiraoka, entitled “Third Generation Hydrogen Bombs and Lessons from History”, as well one by the physicist Michio Kaku and the Gensuikin (Japanese Congress Against A- and H-Bombs) entitled “Proposal: Steps to Abolish Nuclear Weapons by the Japanese Congress Against A- & H-Bombs”. The list of peace organizations in the U.S., magazines, books, and films included at the end of the book is useful. 平岡敬広島市長の平和宣言、物理学者ミチオ・カクによる「第3世代の水爆と歴史からの教訓」、原水爆禁止日本国民会議の提言「核兵器廃絶への道」をはじめ、核拡散に批判的な論文や、宣言文などを収録。巻末に米国の平和団体、文献、映像リストを付けている。