Book Details


Atomic Bomb Rescue and Relief Report: Report to the President of Nagasaki Medical University Regarding Activities of the 11th Medical Corps, August to October, 1945

Author:Nagai, Takashi
Original Title:長崎医大原子爆弾救護報告
Publisher:Nagasaki Association for Hibakushas’ Medical Care (NASHIM)


Nagai, Takashi. Ed. Fidelius R. Kuo. Transl. Aloysius F. Kuo. Atomic Bomb Rescue and Relief Report: Report to the President of Nagasaki Medical University Regarding Activities of the 11th Medical Corps, August to October, 1945 . 長崎医大原子爆弾救護報告 Nagasaki, Nagasaki Association for Hibakushas’ Medical Care (NASHIM), 2000.


Medical Sciences




This is a medical relief report for the time frame from August 9 to October 8, 1945. It was written by Dr. Takashi Nagai who is well known for his account, The Bells of Nagasaki. In this report, he explains the physics of the A-bomb, describes the injuries caused by the atomic bomb, and gives his recommendations for treatment of the injuries. The publication of this English edition was one of the activities of NASHIM, Nagasaki Association for Hibakushas’ Medical Care. 体験記『長崎の鐘』で知られる医師、永井隆による医療報告書。1945年8月9日から10月8日までに筆者が従事した被爆者医療活動に基づいて書いている。原爆の物理学的側面のほか、原爆症の症状から、治療後の経過予想までを述べている。被爆者医療に関する出版活動の一環として、長崎・ビバクシャ医療国際協力会が発刊した。 永井隆,朝日新聞社編『長崎医大原子爆弾救護報告』朝日新聞社, 1970.

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