Book Details


国籍を超えた若者たち The Young People who Transcended Nationality: A Record of the Events Leading up to the Performance of the Multinational Recitation Play “The Day the Dragonfly Disappeared.”

Author:中村哲也 (Nakamura, Tetsuya)
Place:東京 (Tokyo)
Publisher:HIRA-TAI Books, : YAC Planning Inc


中村哲也 Nakamura, Tetsuya. 国籍を超えた若者たち The Young People who Transcended Nationality: A Record of the Events Leading up to the Performance of the Multinational Recitation Play “The Day the Dragonfly Disappeared.” . 東京 Tokyo, HIRA-TAI Books, : YAC Planning Inc, 1996.


History and Social Sciences


English, Japanese


This book in Japanese and English is a documentary about the struggles and conflicts, caused by the differences of their national backgrounds, that a group of young people from eight countries including the U.S., Korea, China and Japan experienced in performing the international recitation play, “The Day the Dragonfly Disappeared.” 日英併記。『ひらがなタイムズ』1996年9月号別冊。米国、韓国、中国、日本のほか8カ国の若者による多国籍朗読劇「トンボが消えた日」が意見の対立を克服して公演されるまでのドキユメント。 (ひらがなタイムズ, 9月号別冊)ヤック企画, 洋販 (発売), 1996.8