Book Details


One Thousand Paper Cranes: The Study of Sadako and Children’s Peace Statue

Author:Ishii, Takayuki
Place:Tokyo; New York
Publisher:Yohan Publications. Inc.; Dell Laurel-Leaf
Year:1997; 1997


Ishii, Takayuki. Illustr. Sarah Carlson. One Thousand Paper Cranes: The Study of Sadako and Children’s Peace Statue . Tokyo; New York, Yohan Publications. Inc.; Dell Laurel-Leaf, 1997; 1997.


Juvenile Literature




Ishii, Takayuki/ One Thousand Paper Cranes: The Study of Sadako and Children’s Peace Statue/ Tokyo/ Yohan Publications. Inc., 1997. The Tokyo-born author, a pastor of a Methodist church in New York City with a multicultural congregation, writes about Sadako's story. The book also includes instructions on how to fold a paper crane and the translation of the song, “Genbaku-o-Yurusumaji,” which means “Never Forget the A-bombings.” ニューヨーク在住のメソジスト教会日本人牧師による佐々木禎子と原爆の子の像の物語。折り鶴の折り方と歌「原爆を許すまじ」の英訳も紹介している。